本日の談話テーマ: 「GAFAM の元は軍事産業?」

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この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その58」です。


以下の文章は、(株) オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が Note で発信した投稿の引用となっています。


ChatGPT FAQ #57 (6/5/23):

Q: I heard that the founders of GAFAM created what they are, using the know-how that was generated through military research and development the US army had asked universities to be engage in.

Please comment on this matter.

A: There is some truth to the idea that the US military played a role in the development of the technologies that underpin the success of companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft (collectively known as GAFAM).

During the Cold War, the US government invested heavily in research and development in fields like computing, communications, and aerospace. This research was often carried out at universities, with funding from the military and other government agencies.

Some of the technologies that emerged from this era, such as the internet and the Global Positioning System (GPS), have had a profound impact on society and paved the way for many of the innovations we take for granted today.

It is also true that many of the founders and early employees of companies like Google and Facebook were trained in computer science and related fields at universities that received funding from the military.

However, it is important to note that while the US military played a role in the development of these technologies, it was not the only contributor, and the private sector played a significant role in bringing these technologies to market and making them accessible to consumers.

Furthermore, while some of the technologies developed for military use have found civilian applications, not all military technologies have had such an impact. It is also worth considering the ethical implications of using military technology for commercial purposes, and the potential risks associated with the convergence of military and civilian technology.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。



A: Google、Apple、Facebook、Amazon、Microsoft(以下、GAFAMと総称する)のような企業の成功を支える技術の開発に米軍が一役買ったという考えには、真実味がありますね。







北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/

作成 2023/5/28